From the CNC lathe process to specialized milling, grinding, and turning, this style of machining is ideal for custom work and specialty materials. The technology and sensitivity of these tools allow them to process specialty parts made from a wide array of materials, including:



Glass and fiberglass



Specialty alloys

Plastic polymers

Exotic and precious metals

Industrial and heavy duty metals

Essentially, if a material can be cut, it’s compatible with CNC milling. It’s an ideal tool for prototyping and custom design, combining sensitivity with affordable tooling costs and efficient operations.

We are the trustful foundry for companies in the USA, because of our experience, technology, know-how, and just 3 hours of flight time to almost any major airport. It’s not geographic proximity we are just there. Contact us, get a quote!

#MachininginMexico #GrayIronMachining #AllMetalMachining #MachineShopinMexico #TMEC #CTPAT #nearshore

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